Free rotation in 3D in Raylib

Work-in-progress as I'm creating the blog site while adding the content

Something about rotation in 3D using RotateByAxis

            float pitchSpeed = 1.0f * frameTime; // Pitch rotation speed
            float yawSpeed = 1.0f * frameTime; // Yaw rotation speed
            float moveSpeed = 10.0f * frameTime; // Movement speed

            // Increase yaw (Y rotation)
            if (IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.Kp4))
                Forward = Vector3RotateByAxisAngle(Forward, Up, yawSpeed);
                Right = Vector3.Cross(Forward, Up);

            // Decrease yaw (Y rotation)
            if (IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.Kp6))
                Forward = Vector3RotateByAxisAngle(Forward, Up, -yawSpeed);
                Right = Vector3.Cross(Forward, Up);

            // Increase pitch (X rotation)
            if (IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.Kp8))
                Up = Vector3RotateByAxisAngle(Up, Right, -pitchSpeed);
                Forward = Vector3.Cross(Up, Right);

            // Decrease pitch (X rotation)
            if (IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.Kp5))
                Up = Vector3RotateByAxisAngle(Up, Right, +pitchSpeed);
                Forward = Vector3.Cross(Up, Right);

            // Roll
            if (IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.Kp7))
                Right = Vector3RotateByAxisAngle(Right, Forward, -pitchSpeed);
                Up = Vector3.Cross(Right, Forward);

            // Roll
            if (IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.Kp9))
                Right = Vector3RotateByAxisAngle(Right, Forward, pitchSpeed);
                Up = Vector3.Cross(Right, Forward);

            Forward = Vector3.Normalize(Forward);
            Up = Vector3.Normalize(Up);
            Right = Vector3.Normalize(Right);

            // Move forward
            if (IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.W))    // ||IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.W)
                Movement += Forward * moveSpeed;

            // Move backward
            if (IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.S))     //  || IsKeyDown(KeyboardKey.S)
                Movement -= Forward * moveSpeed;

            // Apply movement
            Position += Movement * frameTime;

            // Dampen the movement
            Movement *= 0.99f;

            // Update the model's transform matrix with the new rotation
            model.Transform = //MatrixLookAt(Vector3.Zero, Forward * 2, Up);
                    new Matrix4x4(
                        Right.X, Up.X, Forward.X, 0.0f,
                        Right.Y, Up.Y, Forward.Y, 0.0f,
                        Right.Z, Up.Z, Forward.Z, 0.0f,
                        0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f